Sunday, September 4, 2016

Welcome Back, Essie

So, fresh blog.  Fresh views and a removal of all the previous flaws.

I don't know what I'm going to do with this yet.  It's been five years since I've blogged regularly.  And nothing is the same.  Except I miss this.  Writing and blogging and talking about books and having time to read books.

But more importantly, I miss the outlet of emotion.  So this is my new blog, for life, for writing, for anxiety, for me.  Even if no one ever reads it.

I copied my About Me section from the last blog, and cut out half of it.  As I said, it's been five years and clearly I'm not where I wanted to be back then.  Right now, I wish I was back where I was then. Unemployed, writing daily, going to the gym whenever I wanted, powerlifting, it wasn't a half bad life.  Now I work, and spend most of my time commuting and trying to make the money stretch even though I wear I earn more than enough.  More than I have any other time in the past five years.

But onward and upward, I guess.  Onward and upward always.